NASHI, as part of our mandate, believes that presentations of human trafficking are vital to teens as this is the age most susceptible to being trafficked. Young people need to know what human trafficking is and how it happens so they can stay safe.
Teens at this presentation learned the following:
– How and what grooming takes place by traffickers
– The various types of trafficking
– The extent of trafficking locally and globally
– Knowledge to spot the danger signs – among their peers
– How to stop the crime before it happens
– Human trafficking involves extensive organized crime and profits
– 97% of victims trafficked are teens and young women
– Human trafficking happens in Canada and is vastly under-reported
Education is the key and greatest weapon to preventing human trafficking. As Rachel, one of the organizers of this teen event wrote: “Thanks again for this presentation and for everything NASHI did to make it happen. We appreciated NASHI taking the time for our youth and young adults.” In turn, NASHI would like to thank the Worobetz Foundation for caring for our youth and sponsoring this event.